The Black Mountain Silver QRHA Ranch Series and Ranch Versatility Series
Sponsored by Geoff Hutson and Black Mountain Silver
The Buckle series applies to the following three QRHA Shows:
Show #1 QRHA Winter Slide 22 & 23 June @QSEC
Show #2 QRHA Ribbon Show 13 & 14 July @Burpengary Equestrian Centre
Show #3 QRHA QLD State Championships 6-10 August 2019 @QSEC
To be eligible for the Buckle Series the participant MUST compete in Show #3 (State Show) and either Show #1 or #2.
Final scores for the buckle series will be calculated by adding the score achieved in Show #3 PLUS the highest score achieved from Shows #1 & #2.
Competitors may attend either Show #1 or Show #2. If both are attended, then the highest score achieved from the two shows will be used in addition to the State Show.
The winner of the buckle will be the participant with the highest total score.
The Black Mountain Silver Ranch Series
The winner will be the participant with the highest score for the Open Ranch Riding class when added together from Shows (#1 or #2) and #3.
In the event of a tie, a runoff in the Ranch Riding will be conducted to identify the winner in the Ranch Riding series.
Participants must nominate for the Buckle series in their nomination forms.
The Black Mountain Silver Ranch Versatility Series
This series is designed to encourage the Ranch Riders to try Reining and the Green Reiners to try their hand at Ranch Riding.
Black Mountain Silver is the silver side of the OZWEST SADDLERY business. We custom design Silver trophy buckles, saddle silver, bridle and halter silver, custom name plates and custom concho's for many applications.