2023 Product Sponsor SHOUT OUT
From the way this lady presents herself and her horses you know she is all class, and that attention to detail carries over into...
2023 Product Sponsor SHOUT OUT
In the saddle or out on the town, Ariat Denim has you covered #AriatAustralia #SupportOurSponsors #23QRHA #LetsRein
2023 Reserve Champion Sponsor SHOUT OUT
Jan Farrell is a quiet achiever, talented horsewoman and dedicated Reiner who had a cracker of a show season last year and will be back...
2023 Reserve Champion Sponsor SHOUT OUT
A beautiful rider and a beautiful person, Justine Brown is a picture to watch in the show pen on her much-loved PP ponies. When she’s not...
2023 Reserve Champion Sponsor SHOUT OUT
Country women have that X factor – a sense of standing tall and standing strong combined with a strict no BS policy, lightning fast wit...
2023 Product Sponsor SHOUT OUT
Jojubi Saddlery is a family owned business started by one sister and continued by her remaining two sisters. This boutique saddlery is...
2023 Buckle Sponsor SHOUT OUT
Anish Prasad is a Finance Specialist at i Lend Finance Solutions who excels and takes great pleasure in helping customers buy their first...